#--------------------------------------------------------------------# # ClearLag Configuration File # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configure to your liking, reload the config by tying: /lagg reload # # - # # Here is a helpful tutorial on this configuration setup! # # http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/clearlagg/pages/config-setup/ # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # All possible mob names # # http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/clearlagg/pages/mob-types/nodes/ # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# settings: auto-update: true enable-signs: true config-version: 7 disable-waterlife: true keep-spawn-in-memory: true enable-api: true #Meters your ram usage, if it goes above 'limit', run 'commands:' # -- 'ram-limit:' is in MB, do not set it exactly to your max allocated ram amount # -- 'interval:' is how often clearlag will check your ram usage ram-meter: enabled: true interval: 20 ram-limit: 10000 commands: - 'lagg killmobs' - 'lagg clear' - 'lagg gc' #This limits how fast a user can move from chunk-to-chunk and will prevent users from overloading your server #I HIGHLY recommend you use this on servers with increased player-speeds/or fly enabled # -- 'limit-only-fly' ONLY limit players who are currently flying # -- 'chunk-to-chunk-time' is in milliseconds. It's the time users are allowed to move from one chunk # -- to another. Going faster over chunks then that number will cancel their movement player-speed-limiter: enabled: false chunk-to-chunk-time: 600 limit-only-fly: false #Should mobs be nerfed to prevent over-breeding to reduce CPU usage (And possibly raise TPS) #When mobs are stuck too close, collisions are extremely intensive putting a pretty mean load on the server # -- 'max-mobs' means how many bably/adult animals are allowed within the 'check-radius' # -- 'check-radius' is the radius of what clearlag will check for 'max-mobs' mob-breeding-limiter: enabled: false max-mobs: 6 check-radius: 15 #Should clearlag purge logs under /logs when the server starts? # -- days-old means how many days old can the log be to be deleted log-purger: enabled: false days-old: 3 #What type of entities SHOULD NOT be removed while doing /lagg area? area-filter: - Itemframe - Painting - Wolf - Villager - Horse - ARMOR_STAND #Should clearlag reset the config (more stable), or attempt to add the new paths into your config? # -- Puting this as false wont reset your config, but may cause bugs.. Still in testing! config-updater: force-update: false #This limits the mob egg spawners so players cannot "overload" the server with them # -- 'check-radius' stands for the radius clearlag will check for nearby entities # -- 'max-mobs' is how many entities may be in the radius before the spawning is blocked mobegg-limiter: enabled: false check-radius: 8 max-mobs: 5 #Disable new chunk generation, or just put a cap on how many can load at once. # -- THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH 1.6.4! chunk-limiter: enabled: false limit: 6000 create-new-chunks: true #This modifies not only the view of the mobs, but will also simplify how they spawn # -- Lower it is, the better your entity tick will be # -- If it's too high, expect bugs / lots of lag mob-range: enabled: false zombie: 30 skeleton: 30 creeper: 20 #How long should items/Mobs be left on the ground # -- Goes by seconds live-time: enabled: false interval: 10 mobtimer: true itemtimer: true arrowtimer: true arrowkilltime: 15 moblivetime: 600 itemlivetime: 240 #Let clearlag control the spawning in ALL worlds? (Supports all plugins!) # -- This will also respect cancelations, unlike minecraft's native code custom-mobspawner: enabled: false #How many times should clearlag attempt to find a safe location for the mob to spawn max-tries: 50 #(In seconds) how often should clearlag try to spawn mobs? interval: 30 #This is the radius around the player radius: 30 #This is the radius FROM the player (in blocks!) radius-from: 7 #How far should mobs spawn from eachother (NOT in blocks!!) (1,010 = around 10-20 blocks) mob-radius: 1010 #Should we keep trying to spawn a mob if a clear location isn't found forcespawn: false #4 = nighttime, what light level should mobs spawn in lightlevel: 4 #Chance mobs will have armor/sword, 1 being diamond every time armor-chance: 30 mobs: #More types of a mob, more likely it'll spawn(ONLY IN NORMAL WORLDS!) - zombie 5 - skeleton 3 - creeper - enderman animals: #More types of a mob, more likely it'll spawn(ONLY IN NORMAL WORLDS!) - pig 4 - sheep 1 - cow 6 - chicken 2 #This option disallows the placement of too many tnt-minecarts tnt-minecart: enabled: false max: 2 radius: 6 #This option reduces global dispenser rate dispenser-reducer: enabled: false time: 100 #This option reduces the explosions of mass amounts of tnt, and reduces tnt lag tnt: tnt-reducer: false #This option reduces fire spread rate firespread-reducer: enabled: false time: 2000 #How many entities should one chunk be allowed to hold? chunk-entity-limiter: enabled: false limit: 40 spawn-limiter: enabled: false interval: 15 monsters: 300 animals: 300 #Meters your TPS, if it goes to low, run the commands you wrote below! tps-meter: enabled: false interval: 15 tps-trigger: 14.0 commands: - 'lagg killmobs' - 'lagg clear' #This is /lagg killmobs, put what you DON'T want removed! # -- 'remove-named', when FALSE entities with custom names will NOT be removed kill-mobs: disable-build-wither: false mob-filter: - Villager - Wolf - ARMOR_STAND - Horse #This takes care of mob spawners # -- max-spawn is the max entities that can be within the check-radius # -- check-radius is x/z radius, y-radius is y radius (up/down) mobspawner: enabled: false max-spawn: 4 check-radius: 15 y-radius: 30 #No longer bugged! -- Dont use if you have CB++ or Spigot! item-merger: enabled: false radius: 6 #Auto-removal options # -- warnings works like this; time = the time warning should be given, msg = warning message at that time # -- NOTE: The below 'remove' section applies to this remover! # -- NOTE: Putting the interval to low will cause issues! auto-removal: enabled: true broadcast-message: '&8[&eSprzataczka&8] &a&oUsunieto&9 +RemoveAmount &a&oitemow!' broadcast-warning: true autoremoval-interval: 460 warnings: - 'time:400 msg:&8[&eSprzataczka&8] &6&oZa &7+remaining &6&osekund itemy z ziemi zostana usuniete!' - 'time:440 msg:&8[&eSprzataczka&8] &6&oZa &7+remaining &6&osekund itemy z ziemi zostana usuniete!' #What should be removed during an auto-removal remove: world-filter: - this_world broadcast-removal: true boat: true falling-block: true experienceOrb: true painting: true projectile: true item: true itemframe: false minecart: true primed-tnt: true arrow: true snowball: true fireball: true ender-signal: true item-filter: # - 264 # - 265 # - 311 # - 312 # - 266 remove-mobs: # - cow #What should be removed during /lagg clear command-remove: world-filter: - this_world broadcast-removal: false boat: true falling-block: true experienceOrb: true painting: true projectile: true item: true itemframe: false minecart: true primed-tnt: true arrow: true snowball: true fireball: true ender-signal: true item-filter: # - 264 # - 265 # - 311 # - 312 # - 266 remove-mobs: # - cow check: world-filter: - this_world boat: true falling-block: true experienceOrb: true painting: true projectile: true item: true itemframe: false minecart: true primed-tnt: true arrow: true snowball: true fireball: true ender-signal: true item-filter: # - 264 # - 265 # - 311 # - 312 # - 266 mobs: creature: true animals: true monster: true limit: enable-limit: true max: 1000 check-interval: 60 broadcast-message: '&8[&eSprzataczka&8] &a&oOsiagnieto limit, usunieto&9 +RemoveAmount &a&oitemow!' world-filter: - this_world broadcast-removal: true boat: true falling-block: true experienceOrb: true painting: true projectile: true item: true itemframe: false minecart: true primed-tnt: true arrow: true snowball: true fireball: true ender-signal: true item-filter: # - 264 # - 265 # - 311 # - 312 # - 266