#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # MyCommand Plugin config file (last update v5.0.0) # # # # BukkitDev Help page : http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mycommand/ # # # # With the listener, you can disable completely plugin parts. Put true for active and false for deactive it # # The vehicle listener,it's used only for DETECTOR_RAIL Material. # # The Move listener instead,it's user for warmups. # # DELAY_SEC in Signs and Block it's used for prevent the command floods.Put it on 0,for disable. # # The Economy function require the Vault plugin. Download it here : http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/vault/# # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# LISTENERS: CUSTOM_COMMANDS_GAME: true CUSTOM_COMMANDS_CONSOLE: true BLOCK_LISTENER: true ITEM_LISTENER: true SIGN_LISTENER: true VEHICLE_LISTENER: false MOVE_LISTENER: false EXTRA_LISTENER: false DEBUG: GAME: false CONSOLE: true DISABLE_PERMISSIONS: false ECONOMY: ALLOW_DEBIT: false SCHEDULER: ENABLED: false DATE_FORMAT: "d M yyyy" FIRST_CHECK_AFTER_SEC: 60 LAUNCH_CHECK_ON_EVERY_N_MIN: 60 SIGNS: HEADER: "[MYCMD]" DELAY_SEC: 5 BLOCKS: DELAY_SEC: 5 MATERIAL: RIGHT_CLICK_INTERACTION: - LEVER - STONE_BUTTON - WOOD_BUTTON - WOODEN_DOOR PHYSICAL_INTERACTION: - STONE_PLATE - WOOD_PLATE - DETECTOR_RAIL